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                                      Wagon Instructions

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                     FUN CAMP CO.



The following step-by-step instructions will help you successfully assemble a Fun Camp Co. covered wagon. Please read carefully and refer to them during construction. Modifications to the design may cause the specialized parts to not fit. Check with F.C.C. before making changes. With these instructions you should have a CW-100 plan (a computer generated print 22"x34"), parts list, bill of materials, and three pages of 24 color illustrations. The wagons may be constructed up to step number 13 before the parts are received. This is often done to get a head start. When several wagons are being made at one time, during the construction of the first one, cut extra pieces for patterns so that mass production cutting can be done for the rest.


STEP 1 - If you have the axles on hand ( illustration shows wood and steel, they are all steel now), start by setting them on blocks. Block the rear axle 3 inches higher than the front. (Without the axles, start with the B.M.(1)runners, cut accurately at 16', leveled on 4 even blocks.) Using the 'U'-bolt drilling template, layout and clamp the runners at a 30" mark from the rear and 243/4" from the front to the center of the axle and 18" in from the end of the 6"x 6" square part of the axle to the edge of the runners. Drill 4 ­9/16" holes in a square of 6 1/2" (at center of holes). Install 'U' bolts, (short for rear and long for front) making sure to put the plates across the grain to the other 'U' bolt. Use the same procedure for the front axle except placing the 3" X 6" x 30" bolster (supplied) over the axle. Square the runners corner to corner and tighten down.


STEP 2 - Cut 2"x 4" joists from B.M. (2). They are required at 7 1/4" long out of 14' lengths. Cut on a 15 degree angle and there will be enough length. Seven feet is OK too but you must remember to set them in 1/8" per side. Layout at 24" centers from the front and centered on the runners. Install the first and last joist and then line with a straight edge or chalk line, clamp and screw down with 3-- 2-1/2" countersunk screws at each joint. Plank the floor B.M.(3) beginning at the center go three 2" x 12" on each side and then finish each side with a 2" x 8". Use pipe clamps to bring the planking tight together. The planks are usually longer than 16'. Allow a little to hang over each end for squaring later. Screw with 2-1/2" countersunk screws ( 2 per joists) . The planking will extend past the sides. Leave for now. Sheet with B.M.(4) , starting flush with 2" x 4" joist at one end. Tack in place until all four sheets are in place ( square with joists) and checked out from end to end square with runners. Screw with drywall screws at an 8" patternmaking flush.

This is an excerpt from the full instructions that you will receive with a purchase of a wagon.

For inquires send email to stpierrefab@funcampco.ca or Call 1-888-297-5551
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Last modified: 12/17/17